Vote for Order Providers
List of 12 addresses whose transactions are used to order all other transactions on the DAG. Order providers frequently post waypoint transactions that determine the order of other transactions that are not already ordered on the DAG. Order providers do not have the power to approve or confirm transactions, and are unable to block them. However, they are generally expected to be non-anonymous people or organizations interested in Obyte's well-being.
Total voters balance
23,835.7158 GBYTE
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Leader value
The leader is the same as the current value, nothing to commit.
Order provider list
Address | Votes (GBYTE) | |
2TO6NYBGX3NF5QS24MQLFR7KXYAMCIE5 Bosch Connectory Stuttgart | ||
DXYWHSZ72ZDNDZ7WYZXKWBBH425C6WZN Altos Engineering (formerly Bind Creative) | ||
FOPUBEUPBC6YLIQDLKL6EW775BMV7YOH Tony Churyumoff (Bitcoin oracle) | ||
GFK3RDAPQLLNCMQEVGGD2KCPZTLSG3HN Tony Churyumoff (Flight delay oracle) | ||
I2ADHGP4HL6J37NQAD73J7E5SKFIXJOT Tony Churyumoff (Real name attestation) | ||
JPQKPRI5FMTQRJF4ZZMYZYDQVRD55OTC Tony Churyumoff (Price oracle) | ||
TKT4UESIKTTRALRRLWS4SENSTJX6ODCW Tony Churyumoff (Sports oracle) | ||
JMFXY26FN76GWJJG7N36UI2LNONOGZJV CryptoShare Studio | ||
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